Magzter Gold is an all-you-can-read subscription service for digital magazines and newspapers, featuring an expansive library, intuitive app, and competitive pricing.
Publisher customers include Hearst (USA), American Media (USA), Bloomberg (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK) and Time Inc UK as well as Media24 from South Africa, Edipresse Asia from Hong Kong, India Today Group from India (ITG India), Worldwide Media from India (WMG India), Grupo Expansion Mexico.
It is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest news
Magzter gold offers you the latest news in an engaging manner, providing access to magazines and newspapers that you can read online on any mobile phone, tablet or desktop computer.
This plan offers many other advantages that will save money, too – for instance, you can read over 8000 magazines and newspapers at an economical price over three years!
Staying up-to-date on current affairs while travelling is also convenient and can prove particularly useful for exam preparation.
This app is free to download, with several features designed to make reading magazines easy. These features include clipping articles and sharing them with family and friends; filtering by language or age groupings; as well as subscribing automatically for new issues of magazines.
It is a great way to save money
Magzter gold subscription services provide an effective way of saving money when it comes to subscription plans, including one year plans at Rs 1999 and three year plans starting at only $39.99 for one-year plans and three year plans respectively.
Signing up for Magzter gold plans gives you access to over 8000 publications and newspapers – an amazing deal for any reader!
Magzter gold makes it easy to read magazines offline, saving both money and reading time. Download magazines directly onto your smartphone so they are always accessible even without internet connectivity; alternatively you could read them on an iPad or tablet!
It is a great way to read offline
Magzter gold is an ad-free subscription service providing access to over 3,200 publishers across digital magazines and newspapers from Android, iOS devices, Kindle Fires and the web.
Magzter offers its users the ability to read magazines and newspapers offline, so they can read magazines when not connected to the internet. Unfortunately, its app lacks support for downloading PDFs – something which would prove cumbersome when reading with dedicated eBook readers.
Both Readly and Magzter Gold provide access to an impressive variety of magazine titles, but Magzter Gold may be superior for premium magazines. While its selection does not match that found on Readly’s BBC titles, its international magazine collection makes Magzter Gold more suitable.
It is a great way to save time
magzter gold can help save time for readers of magazines and newspapers who love reading on multiple devices – be they computers, tablets or smartphones. With this subscription plan you can access thousands of magazines on any of them from all across the world at your convenience – plus download them directly onto devices for convenient reading when it suits you best!
Magzter gold plans offer great convenience: you can access up to five devices simultaneously, enabling you to read articles and magazines across all of them at the same time, saving both time and money in doing so.
magzter gold allows you to do more than read magazines: you can also share the content you love with family and friends who may also share an interest in reading! It is the perfect way to spark conversation about reading among family and friends alike.
Magzter gold plans can be purchased for either one or three years using various payment methods such as credit cards and net banking – the process is quick and straightforward.