magazine publishers to create and distribute their digital editions globally. Its patented Orey Click Publishing System helps magazine houses seamlessly transition from print media to digital publishing.
Magzter offers access to thousands of popular US and international magazines on its app, as well as a subscription service called Magzter Gold.
Magazines available
Magzter is a self-service global digital newsstand featuring thousands of magazines from 5,000 publishers. Established in 2011 by Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan, its local offices can be found worldwide including London, Paris, Amsterdam, Singapore, Mexico City, Helsinki and Chennai.
Magzter also offers Next Issue, which it describes as “Netflix for magazines.” You pay a flat monthly fee to access an unlimited library of 140 titles.
Though the concept behind this service is appealing, it remains uncertain how many people will find it worth paying for 140 issues. After all, an all-you-can-read subscription from Readly for around $220 a month provides you with the same number of publications.
Magzter offers an impressive selection of magazine titles, such as Newsweek, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Popular Mechanics and Car and Driver. With both international and US titles available in its catalog, Magzter makes for a great alternative if you’re in need of a new subscription service. You can access it using either your browser or Magzter Library app on Android and iOS devices.
Magzter provides digital subscriptions to more than 8,000 magazines and newspapers on-the-go, with a free 7 day trial. They also offer Magzter GOLD for $7.99 per month which allows you to read as much content as desired from magazines around the world such as Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur, The Atlantic, and Maxim.
Tom Huber, vice president of research at Forrester Research, explained that while digital magazines have experienced slow growth in recent years, their publishers are exploring different methods to deliver content online. They want to recreate the familiar experience of reading a print issue digitally on tablets or smartphones, according to Forrester’s Tom Huber.
One strategy that has worked for some services is offering an all-you-can-consume model, similar to Netflix’s all-you-can-watch model. While this approach has proven successful for some, Girish Ramdas – co-founder and CEO of Magzter – cautioned that it may not be the ideal solution.
Magzter magazine prices vary based on subscription plan. Magzter Gold costs $7.99 per month and provides unlimited access to 3,000 titles; while Magzter Premium costs $39.99 monthly and grants subscribers access to over 5000 bestselling national and international publications.
Magzter says their prices are a fraction of what readers pay for printed versions of these magazines, yet they’re worth it because users can access all their favorite magazines from any device and access back issues as well.
Readly is another service that offers a $9.99 monthly subscription that grants access to 13,000 magazines (known as replica editions) through its “buffet” model. Like Magzter, Readly provides relatively fast downloads of magazine issues as well.
It’s an intriguing move, though one that poses the question of how many magazines consumers can actually read in a month. Magzter and Readly stand out by offering access to multiple issues of a magazine at once – something useful for family members who share subscriptions.
Customer service
Magzter is a digital magazine platform that gives subscribers access to thousands of titles around the world. They offer subscriptions as well as a free trial period.
Magzter provides digital magazines that can be read on computer, tablet and mobile devices. Furthermore, they offer a subscription service called Magzter Gold which grants users unlimited access to magazines.
This service is accessible on iOS, Android and the web for free download. Users can easily add family members to their contacts list.
In addition to magazines, the app also offers a selection of comics and manga titles. I appreciate this feature because it gives me an opportunity to discover some new favorite titles that may not have been previously available.
Magzter is a cross-platform and global virtual magazine founded by Vijay Radhakrishnan and Girish Ramdas in 2011. It can be downloaded as an application on Android (Google Play), Apple iOS devices as well as through their browser-based site. Magzter boasts the groundbreaking ezRead 2.0 feature which makes reading articles with high resolution videos and photography effortless.